You might think that your job as a parent is just about complete by the time your child leaves to attend a Louisiana college or university. However, even as a young adult, your son or daughter will likely have an emotional reaction to the news of your divorce. Fortunately, there are steps that you can take to help with the massive change that is going to take place.
Don’t force your child to choose
An adult has the right to decide who to interact with or ignore. Therefore, you can do little more than attempt to retain or rebuild your relationship with your son or daughter and hope for the best. This can be done by offering a safe and stress-free environment at home during breaks or by refraining from treating your kid like your therapist.
Keep the focus on your child
Instead of focusing on your needs, make sure that your son or daughter’s needs are being met. For instance, you could suggest making an appointment with a counselor on campus or recommending a therapist to speak with. In addition, encourage your college student to engage with friends and participate in activities on campus or elsewhere. Talking to a therapist will likely make it easier to adjust to the fact that your relationship status is changing.
Anticipate financial issues
The cost of a divorce might make it harder to pay your child’s college tuition or provide other forms of assistance. This might mean that your son or daughter needs to take out student loans, get a job or make other changes to make up for a financial hardship. It’s also possible that your spouse might be responsible for making tuition payments or providing other types of financial aid as part of a final divorce settlement.
Your divorce might have an emotional and financial impact on your offspring even if they have reached adulthood. Seeking a generous settlement might make it easier to help you and your older children transition into the future.